Mrs. Eva Muchemi's Memorial Youth Camp

In memory of the late Mrs Eva Muchemi, the Safaricom Foundation sponsored a three day
Diabetes Youth Camp (DYC) in Nakuru County.
The Safaricom Foundation is one of the strategic partners to the Kenya Diabetes Management &
Information Centre (DMI Centre). They have successfully sponsored DYCs and medical camps
across the country as well as The DMI Annual Diabetes Walk. This partnership has been in
existence since the year 2005 and continues to flourish.
The three-day camp successfully hosted about 30 children and their parents/guardians and was
held in June 2021 at the Stem Hotel, Lanet Nakuru County. The camp was a success due to our
continued partnership with the Ministry of Health, Nakuru County Health Department, Novo
Nordisk, CHEM Labs and the Association of Kenya Insurers (AKI)
The DMI provided the highly qualified interdisciplinary medical team to:

  • Offer Psychosocial counseling and support.
  • Offer training on Diabetes management and self-care.
  • Conduct Optical, Dental, Foot care and HbA1c tests on all children present.