About Us

Get to know who we are

DMI Centre was established in 1999 as a not-for-profit medical charity organization with the objective of creating awareness in diabetes and its management. DMI Centre empowers people living with diabetes, conducts mass screening on diabetes, hypertension & body weight, raises funds fundraises to support projects, facilitates training among peer educators & health care providers and conducts research to assist in the management of diabetes.

DMI CENTRE designs, implements and publish programs for creating public awareness on prevention, diagnosis and management of diabetes. We provides services to people living with diabetes, care-givers, healthcare professionals, the community in general and other stakeholders involved in diabetes management. 

To achieve these, DMI(centre) conducts free community awareness and screening in different facilities e.g. churches, schools and medical camps. See walk-in clients at a small fee, screening/ testing at the centre, conducts outreaches, data collection, client/patient management follow up, referral of clients, and networking with like-minded organizations. DMI(centre) works with volunteers in educating, raising awareness, knowledge and management of diabetes among the public. 

In addition, DMI (centre) conducts medical camps, training of teachers and other medical personnel. Key partners in DMI work include the ministry of Health and other hospitals and organizations such as Safaricom Foundation, WDF and NOVO NORDISK. DMI centre holds fundraising activities i.e. golf tournament and diabetes walk.

Objectives that We Pursue

The Vision

A healthy population free from diabetes and related complications

Core Values and Guiding Principles Values - EPICC

Our Mission

Eradicating preventable diabetes and enabling a long productive life of those with diabetes.

Guiding Principles - CENTT